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Crossing Flags along Rt. 77 in CE town center

Updated: Sep 23, 2023

People should be able to cross a street in a town center without fear of looking ridiculous.

As notes:

"[Crossing flags] are an inexpensive nimble tool, and should not be treated as a final solution. In environments that are emerging as walkable and those that we want to make walkable, they begin raising the visibility and profile of pedestrians to drivers that have otherwise ruled the world. ...They can raise awareness that an intersection or crossing needs further improvements."

So... This crossing flag at Shore Rd/Scott Dyer Rd/Rt 77 serves as notice that this intersection needs to be made safer for pedestrians. We (especially vulnerable road users like kids) need something that indicates to the unconscious brain of drivers, "Slow down. Humans on two feet might be entering this space."

Curb bump-out? Landscaped pedestrian island?


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